This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Release 1.0 -

Release 1.0

Qi4j SDK

We are working towards a useful SDK for Qi4j development, suitable for non-Maven users. This work has not been highest on the list and we are generally lagging in the release of the SDK in comparison to the Maven artifact releases. We strive to change this in the future.

1.0, signed by Niclas Hedhman, PGP ID: 33D70FC3
    qi4j-sdk-1.0-bin.zipexternal link     (md5external link)(sha1external link)(ascexternal link)
    qi4j-sdk-1.0-bin.tar.bz2external link (md5external link)(sha1external link)(ascexternal link)
    qi4j-sdk-1.0-bin.tar.gzexternal link  (md5external link)(sha1external link)(ascexternal link)

Maven Artifacts

Due to a server mishap at OPS4J community, Maven artifacts for 1.0 was lost. We will look into re-building these in the near future. If possible, use version 1.1 instead.

Release Notes

New Feature
[QI-67external link] - Query support for Association and Joins
[QI-84external link] - Implement named queries
[QI-87external link] - Implement entitystore based on REST
[QI-89external link] - EntityStore implementation connecting to ReST/Atom/RDF remote provider.
[QI-100external link] - Definition of TransientComposites
[QI-101external link] - Remove ability to use Composite archetype directly.
[QI-102external link] - Implement ImmutableAssociation
[QI-110external link] - Application visualizer
[QI-141external link] - Add feature QueryExpressions#eq( Association<T> association, T value )
[QI-143external link] - Typed properties
[QI-150external link] - Aggregates
[QI-152external link] - Cast of Behavior
[QI-157external link] - Schema conversion hook
[QI-159external link] - Named/Native query support
[QI-160external link] - Need mechanism to list all entity types.
[QI-203external link] - Refactor Qi4j to use BASE principles for persistence
[QI-208external link] - Re-index Support
[QI-215external link] - Named Query SPI
[QI-216external link] - NamedEntityFinder that parses SparQL text, provided to it at bootstrap

[QI-57external link] - Use RDF/XML as format for RESTful Access API.
[QI-194external link] - Breaking apart the project into smaller release artifacts.
[QI-199external link] - @Uses should do instance reuse on automatic creation
[QI-206external link] - Refactor Query API to not require UoW for creating a query builder
[QI-210external link] - Remove the Event-based UnitOfWork & EntityStore SPIs.
[QI-212external link] - Removal of using hashes to identified Entity Types.
[QI-217external link] - ValueComposite should be indexed as a node structure
[QI-224external link] - Lifecycle should not be exposed in EntityComposite
[QI-235external link] - EntityStoreUnitOfWork is needed in EntityStoreVisitors.

[QI-44external link] - [CompositeInputStream] and [CompositeOutputStream] do not handle objects of type service, and structure properly
[QI-128external link] - Neo4j entity store does not properly persist Associations to the same entity
[QI-137external link] - Exception thrown when deserializing immutable property + constraints.
[QI-138external link] - EntityStore should store composite references as state
[QI-146external link] - AppliesTo on Mixin implementation methods does not work.
[QI-181external link] - Serialization of values doesn't do Type->Composite lookup/replacement.
[QI-195external link] - SPI API need to be updated to reflect the change on the core
[QI-204external link] - JDBM store doesn't retain data across JVM invocations.
[QI-205external link] - Indexing is producing incorrect results
[QI-218external link] - non-Optional not respected in UnitOfWork.newEntity()
[QI-219external link] - ValueComposite properties in Entity creation doesn't work.
[QI-220external link] - On ServiceComposite you can do metaInfo(type) whereas on ServiceReference you can get the MetaInfo object itself through metaInfo(). These should be aligned, either way.
[QI-221external link] - Check nested UnitOfWork code so that it works properly.
[QI-222external link] - Remove refresh() from UoW. It's too weird.
[QI-223external link] - ServiceComposites needs additional types mapped
[QI-225external link] - Value composite with subclassed Property doesn't evaluate equals() correctly.
[QI-226external link] - Query on Collection gives NPE
[QI-227external link] - Query of Collection doesn't work for where(), first() and max()
[QI-228external link] - Stack Overflow in recursive calls.
[QI-229external link] - Exception in passivate() halts the passivation process.
[QI-230external link] - Qi4j.dereference() does not work inside Concerns/SideEffects, if Concern added withConcerns() in bootstrap.
[QI-231external link] - Cast problems in AssociationDecoratorTest
[QI-233external link] - Query.iterator().next() returns null if no hasNext() has been executed.
[QI-236external link] - Querying on subtyped Properties do not work

[QI-133external link] - Tracking of OSGi-support
[QI-136external link] - Make Library jar files OSGi bundles.
[QI-213external link] - Indexing and Query improvements before 1.0 can be released.

[QI-88external link] - Create the RDF+Atom entity generator/parsers in library-rdf.
[QI-106external link] - GZip encoding of result data
[QI-108external link] - Client-side cache of data
[QI-109external link] - BASIC auth for access
[QI-112external link] - Drop shadows on the boxes
[QI-113external link] - Edges need to be drawn better
[QI-115external link] - Linking between Composites
[QI-116external link] - Show Service dependencies
[QI-117external link] - Change pane layout
[QI-167external link] - Update the Tutorials

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